The Story of Puutalo
This timeline presents the story of Puutalo Oy [Timber Houses Ltd] during the heyday of its production.
⬤ World event
⬤ Puutalo event
Winter War — Finland entered World War II on November 30th of 1939 upon being invaded by the Soviet Union. Three months later, the Moscow Peace Treaty forced Finland to forfeit 10% of its territory, leaving 420,000 individuals to be evacuated to other parts of the country.
Thanks to an unprecedented cooperation between the public and private sector, refugees were housed in private homes until new legislation, institutions and economic measures could provide a long-term solution to the housing crisis. In June of 1940, an act of Parliament allowed displaced citizens to establish tens of thousands of new farms around Finland. Due to the reliance on domestic materials, the wooden single-family house became the new standard for rural and sub-urban housing across the nation.